2023 Scholarship Recipient
Student Profiles
PIA is pleased to announce our 2023 scholarship recipients.
All eight applicants submitted detailed applications that included
high school transcripts, family tree details, and an essay
about their family's connection to Poggioreale, Sicily.
We are proud to showcase their accomplishments, and wish them
the best of luck in their future endeavors!
Please click on the links below to view their application essays
and learn a bit about their Poggioreale family history.

Case Anderson, Maineville, Ohio
Case graduated from Mars Hill Academy in Mason, OH. His father, Christopher Anderson, is the great grandson of Salvatore Todaro and Rosa Spina who emigrated from Poggioreale in 1912 and 1913 respectively. He will be studying mechanical engineering at Taylor University in Indiana. Congratulations Case!

Chloe Johnson, Suwanee, Georgia
Chloe graduated from Lambert High School in Cumming, GA. Jeffrey Johnson is her dad, and is the great-grandson of Vincenzo Pasquale Schembri and Maria Campisi. Maria Campisi was born in Poggioreale in 1882. Chloe will be a senior at Samford University in Birmingham, AL and is studying Nutrition and Dietetics. Great job, Chloe!

Ross Prokop, Llano, Texas
Graduated from Llano High School in Llano Tx, Ross's father, Jeff Prokop, is the great grandson of Antonino and Anna Zinnanti who emigrated from Poggioreale in 1903 respectively. He will be studying Construction Science at Texas A&M University, in College Station TX. Great Job, Ross!

Ashtyn Vollentine, College Station, Texas
Graduated from A&M Consolidated High School in College Station, Texas, Ashtyn’s grandma, Robbie Morrison, is the great granddaughter of Giuseppe Ippolito who emigrated from Poggioreale in the mid 1800s. Ashtyn will be studying nursing at Baylor University in Waco, TX this upcoming fall. Congratulations, Ashtyn!

Mandy Campise, Clovis, California
Mandy Campise graduated from Clovis High School in Clovis, CA. Her dad, Christopher Campise, is the grandson of Giuseppe and Dominica Campise. Giueseppe is the son of Mariano and Anna Campione born in 1849 and 1852 respectively in Poggioreale. Mandy has graduated and passed her boards for Radiography at Indiana University, and will graduate in the Fall of 2023 with her Bachelor’s in Diagnostic Medical Sonography. Congrats to Mandy!.

Skyler Meuse, Liberty Hill, Texas
Graduated from Liberty Hill High School in Liberty Hill TX, Skyler's father, Ky Meuse, is the grandson (paternal) of Mike Meuse (Michele Miosi) who emigrated from Palermo in 1910. He is also the great grandson (maternal) of Giuseppe (Joe) Roppolo who emigrated from Poggioreale in 1905 and Rosa La Barbera who also emigrated from Poggioreale. Skyler will be studying Engineering at Texas A&M University in College Station, TX and will be a 4th generation Aggie! Go, Skyler!

Brooke Vaughn, Richmond, Texas
Brooke graduated from Foster High School in Richmond, TX. Her mother, Jennifer Lund Vaughn, is the great great granddaughter of Jake and Gaetana (Agnes) Messina Cangelosi, and the great granddaughter of Dorothea Cangelosi Corona, who emigrated from Poggioreale in 1894. Brooke will be attending Texas A&M University in College Station, TX this fall studying Animal Science, with future plans of becoming a Veterinarian. Congratulations Brooke!