Available Materials and Works
We are proud to say that many Poggiorealesi descendants in America have studied and recorded the activities and history of how our ancestors came to this country. Even more exciting is that some of this has been published in various formats by some very talented and prolific people, predominantly women. It is the main goal of Poggioreale in America's website to collect and preserve the fruits of their labor for their families, friends, and fellow Poggiorealesi descendent to enjoy and to pass on to their heirs. We will present here what we have found, and invite all of our readership to help us collect materials of which we are not yet aware.
Spotlight on Rosemary DePasquale Boykin:
Rosemary (1926-2008) was a ground-breaker in her recording and publishing the history of the Poggiorealesi community in Texas. She wrote and published her popular books, The Italians of Steele's Store, Texas (1993) and Brazos Valley Italians, The interviews (1996). Currently, these books have been combined and republished with her daughter, Anne Boykin, in 2019 and are now available for purchase. They are a must-read for all who wish to understand how a great number of Poggiorealesi immigrants to America came through New Orleans and migrated to Texas.
Still, as if this huge accomplishment wasn't enough, she went further by transcribing, by hand over five years, the names of the Italian immigrants who departed Palermo, Sicily, and arrived at the port of New Orleans, LA from 1859-1901. She named it Birds of Passage (2001). She asked daughter Anne for help in publishing this massive project. Because it was far too large for a standard book publication, they opted for presentation on a CD. At the age of 75, Rosemary burned the files to CDs and printed labels. What an accomplishment. Finally, she wrote her next book, the story of her own family, The DePasquales, Italy-Sicily to Texas (2003) which daughter Anne republished in 2019. Reading and studying both her books and viewing her Birds of Passage CD will help you understand your own family's journeys from Poggioreale to America. Her contribution to us all is massive. Also note that her daughter, Anne, is an accomplished writer in her own right.

Above: Rosemary
DePasquale Boykin
Below: Anne Boykin