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Many of us are first and second generation Poggiorealesi, that is, our grandparents or parents were born in Poggioreale and we are their American offspring. We first learned of the small town called Poggioreale through animated, vibrant stories told to us by these proud, hard-working people who left their homeland to create new lives for themselves, and for us, in America. Read about the ancient beginnings of Poggioreale in 1642 and the devastating earthquake of 1968 that changed their lives.
The People of Poggioreale
We know that many Sicilians immigrated to America during several time frames, but our own family histories show us that most of our Poggiorealesi ancestors came to the United States during the late 1890s and the early 19th century. Read about some of the original immigrants from Poggioreale whose descendants are still here today.

Read and study with us!
To date, PIA has translated three historical Poggioreale books and published them to share with English-speaking descendants
of Poggioreale. We are working
on more publications now!